Train your body
“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we will not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
— Buddha
Train your body
The body determines how good we feel, both on a psychical and mental level. Chemicals like dopamine and serotonin impact how well we perform and can be influenced by the foods we eat and the type of movement we undertake. Knowing ways to treat our bodies and understanding our power is vital.
In fact, many don’t realise this, but training your body is equally important to cultivating your mindset. Optimising your nutrition and exercise to boost your productivity can make a significant difference, because the body plays a far bigger role in our performance than we give it credit for.
I’m interested in helping people create a healthier mindset and body to eliminate or reduce the symptoms of physical and mental ailments. To strengthen your body’s full potential, I use a combination of different approaches, which may include:
• Education on nutrition and how certain foods can improve stress levels
• Personalised advice on physical exercise that will up your game
• Prescribed yoga exercises to release and ease specific ailments
• How to reduce stress and improve energy through exercise
• Ways to boost clarity of mind through movement
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
— Hippocrates
Lets talk
Samadhii is an exclusive service, offering clients the highest level of elite mindset coaching for individual business people or their senior management teams.
We look forward to you joining our exclusive network.